Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
With the crack of a whip (Stampede-get it-no starter gun here), they are off!
Mr. Bissell of the vacuum cleaner fame

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Well, Cameron does indeed ride the bus, all be it the metro transportation type. He starts on Monday returning for his Sophomore year taking 16 hrs, although 13 hrs should be 'breeze' classes for him as they are aviation-related. He is quitting his flight dispatch job and working full time as a refueler where he started early Summer-- simply better hours and benefits. Additionally, when it is slow (he works 1-11pm), he is allowed to do his homework and they don't send him home when the weather turns bad as many aviation jobs do. He experienced his first "OJI" last night banging up his wrist when some equipment malfunctioned, but X-rays were negative--sent home with a splint and some Advil. He also turns 19 on Thursday!
Austin is not ready to return to school, pretty common I would presume for most High School juniors. He has been trying to get his Summer reading requirements in for AP his English classes in the last couple of weeks. His cross country team is in full training mode meeting Mon-Fri for a couple hours and running mostly in the dead heat of the day, but fortunately afternoon clouds have moved in just in time these last few days. To appreciate what he is going through, I myself opted to get off the bike for a day and took a couple mile jog Friday afternoon-- I don't envy what he is going through at all. I so much prefer two tires over two tennis shoes!
Til next time...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Well, you know God's protection has shined on you if this happens to you the next time you meander in the cross walk! Believe it or not the man in the intersection lived! He was saved by the imprint that the PT Cruiser left in the driver's side of the Subaru. When the Subaru went over him it came down on him right where the dent in the car was made and did not crush him AMAZING !!! Watch it over and over and you can pick up the dent in the car.