Monday, October 23, 2006


As will be needed before 'peeving', I will have to prequalify my comments to destroy any preconceived prejudices the reader may have. I am fond of women, specifically, ONE, my wife! But, it goes beyond that. I have fantastic female friends. My twin sister is an awesome Texas lady. My mom, God rest her soul, was splendid. My mother-in-law is stellar. My sister-in-law equally as nice. My niece is a cutey patooty. So, I am not anti-woman, but I am anti-Left Lane Louann!

For background, I have been accident free for 25 years and ticketless for 18 years. I drive 13 miles to work one way 4 times a week. Most of my path is divided road, 2 lanes each direction with an average speed limit in the 40 mph range. I am not a road rager, but I am a road observer. My driving peeve, one of several, but by far the one that grinds my axe, LEFT LANE LOUANNS!

You creep out from a side street or slowly merge from the entrance ramp and my blood pressure soars as I know your destination--the LEFT LANE. Your interpretation of HOV -High Ovarian Vehicles! I can spot you a mile away--yes, you, the female gender camped out in the left lane as if you were browsing the cosmetic section at Macy's, oblivious to any surroundings.

In Texas, you are known as a homesteader, your small plot of asphalt that you claim as your own. The rear view mirror is their merely for personal inspection and represents no value to your outside vehicular world. You have perfected 'knee-wheel' driving as a cell phone graces one hand and often a tobacco tube in the other. My greatest fear as I pass you on your right is seeing that you have a manual transmission--what appendage controls that lever? You are a rolling roadblock for other drivers who may have a destination and a deadline to meet. Your consumption to your internal auto enviroment precludes any possibility for discovering there are road signs prohibiting your behavior as several State legislatures have substantiated my claim and declared you to be an aggravating nuisance and authored a statute against your road antics.

You ask about Left lane Lous, there are a few..but left lane Louann's line the roadscape. All I want is a lane that says "Middle Age Men Lane". Problem solved. Please, I love you as a gender, but it is time to scoot over...God made you Left-Brained, Not Left Laned!