Sunday, October 14, 2007


A recent Bankrate research effort reveals the annual costs of our addictions and other impulsive, have "someone else do it for me" attitude. An average of $1,284.00 per month if you participate in all of these areas is what will be drained from your finances. More details here.

1. Coffee -- $360 per year.
2. Cigarettes -- $1,660 a year..
3. Alcohol -- $3,650 per year.
4. Bottled water from convenience stores -- $365 per year.
5. Manicures -- $1,068 per year.
6. Car washes -- $348 per year.
7. Weekday lunches out -- $2,350 a year.
8. Vending machines snacks -- $260 per year.
9. Interest charges on credit card bills -- $4,868 in interest (over time).
10. Unused memberships -- $480 per year.