Monday, October 15, 2007


One of our recent messages at church centered around the spirit of influence, of which I really had never thought about. People enter your life every day, but how many do you really impact in a positive way. How many, when you exit their life, whether it be by relocation, new employment, death, etc. will be impacted by an attribute you scarred upon them. I am not talking about being 'nice', 'humorous', 'creative', etc.--I am talking about life-changing influences on someone else, something that prompted another person to change their ways. Essentially, because of you, they are now 'this'.

I recall in 2004 running my first (and only) marathon I was inspired by so many who really made that adventure a reality for me. I dedicated that grueling pursuit to 26 folks who had made an impact on my life, one for each mile of that race in Austin, TX. But reflecting, it was fairly easy to come up with those couple dozen plus names who had molded me. But, the bigger question I now have learned as I have become seasoned in my years is who have I inspired. I certainly and regrettably believe that list would be much shorter. Fortunately , there is still time.

So, what does inspiration look like. The Colorado Rockies, as you can tell from the blogging entries, have captured this town. It is so difficult sometimes to see beyond the professional game. In an era of multi-million dollar contracts, team-hopping, thuggery, selfishness, tattoo baths, etc., it is great to see when a team gives back to the very community that supports it. Seriously, when was the last time, if ever, you heard a General Manager of a pro sports team go public about their faith and their willingness to share it with their athletes. We are proud to back a sports team that is different and bold. Not only do they have faith, they act on it by serving others and doing good works.

Two local Colorado Rockies stories, one big heart. The first is actually a school mate of Austin's who overcame his own personal battle last year. The next shows our manager's heart as he becomes a real life hero to another Denver metro area high school football player. Two battles-- both victorious in their own ways.

Sorry, I should have mentioned Kleenex at the beginning.

Give back to someone else, there is so much more joy in doing so.