So much for resting on my days off. Actually, it was good timing to invest 5 hours of home improvement labor into our flooring re-do as I needed to get myself tired for my short night. We move our 911 center into a new facility and I have to arrive at midnight to begin to test arriving equipment. It's been a decade or so since I have worked on the dark side of life.

Garage entry way--- carpet, pad, staples and tack strip all yanked off and awaiting new natural slate tile...

From our main entrance--well looky here, the 1980's called me and they want their linoleum back!

Speaking of the 80s, the worst decor move ever----carpet in the master bath area--not no more!!

..and our deck, where all of the remnants will spend the weekend......flooring installer arrives Thursday morning....should have finished photos up in a week or less....gotta impress the in-laws arriving in a few weeks for Brynn's 3rd birthday.....