Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well, our Texas Thanksgiving vacation is in full swing as can be verified with the protruding of the guts! Whataburger, Mexican food, brisket, chicken fried chicken,brownies, pumpkin pie--nothing is safe around here from being devoured. Lasagna and smoked turkey both in the calorie forecast.

Teri arrived with Austin last Friday so they could attend an organized tour at U.T. for entering freshmen. Cam and I flew together on Southwest and came in on Monday morning.

First time since March 2007 that our whole family has arrived on a trip together. Cameron's girlfriend is back home watching our house, along with guard dog Shelly. We heard from her that as soon as Shelly came in the home she immediately plopped herself on the couch, a canine sin at our place--guess she is just challenging the caretaker with a little of her 12 year 'bitchy' (get it) attitude. Another first--Kelli, Dan and Brynn drove in from Colorado on Saturday and Kevin and his family arrive Thursday morning--so, first time in 20 years we have all gathered at the Nunns for Thanksgiving.

Teri and I met with a realtor in Burnet yesterday and spent about 3 hours touring the area and checking out 3 different properties. We definitely liked two, but who knows if they will still be on the market when/if ours sells back in CO. It was more intended to meet the realtor and to rule out areas. For sure, we ruled out living in town or even rural subdivisions.

That's it, time to go figure out many calories "keyboard typing" burns...