Sunday, November 04, 2007


We had a great time last night seeing Austin receive his first athletic letter for his accomplishments with the Ralston Valley High School cross country team. Only about 25% of their 30 runners were able to meet the criteria established for lettering. The icing on the cake though was recognizing his academic accomplishments for runners with a GPA between 3.3 and 3.6, which only 4 athletes received!

The awards banquet was held at the Sports Oasis in Broomfield, a converted warehouse into an indoor, sand volleyball arena. In our days they had bowling leagues, nowadays there are volleyball leagues, although I had no idea this kind of venue even existed.

So the big question is what do you do with the 'letter'. Back in the day in the Rio Grande Valley, EVERYONE purchased a letterman jacket and letters were dished out with ease. I believe if you finished school lunches 5 days in a row, you got one. Then, of course, you would wear your letter jacket to every event held for the rest of your life, including your wedding and job retirement party. Up here in cold country, it is not a big deal, as even at the local football game we recently attended, very few students wore them. Oh well, things to ponder...

Fun time, plenty of food and celebration....onto to track in the Spring!