Thursday, November 08, 2007


The life of a 16 year old can be adventurous! Austin FINALLY tested for his driver's license yesterday afternoon, a mere spin around the neighborhood and back in five minutes--passed!

This morning, he had 8AM CAT Scan for some on going lymph node swelling that started back in June that he self-discovered. Three separate blood testes since early Summer revealed nothing, but to be on the safe side, they wanted to take a look from the inside. Teri said he was quite surprised to see a NEEDLE was part of the process as they had to inject iodine. Procedure went well.

He headed off to school for his solo drive at noon to get some school work done, although he had been called in 'sick' for the entire day as he was to return back to hospital for results followed by a NEEDLE biopsy. First driving experience went well-- his parents and insurance agent appreciate that!

Back for CAT scan results and biopsy at 3pm. LONNNG ordeal, but worth the wait. ENT Dr. came in and said nothing visible whatsoever and explained several causes for the swelling. They then left Austin the option for the NEEDLE biopsy as they didn't feel one was needed. He respectfully declined.

Praising God for the glorious 24 hour period....