A return on the pedicure investment....
Our new favorite Caribbean drink-Rum Creme! Of course, we told them heavy on the creme....
This month's magazine features "How To Lose 10lbs. in 5 Days Laying On Your Beach Lounger!
Yes, a self portrait from our Hotel Room--now you know what we are smiling about :) . That's a touch of sand in Teri's hair (not gray).
Yummy Jamaican BBQ--but Teri rudely commented that they named the hut after me!
Yes, a 3rd grade Jamaican education gets you the job as Beach Cup Collector!
Okay--I have no shame. This is what Teri got me for my 20th anniversary gift. It's amazing how pronounced Speedos make my stomach muscles look (among other things).
Twenty years of marriage and she still wont listen to me. I told her when we got there "Teri, dont forget your sunscreen and watch your calorie intake at the all-you-can-eat buffets"..Oh well, maybe on our 40th anniversary trip she will listen..