Saturday, June 09, 2007


The old saying 'your worst day at an air show is better than your best day at work" was true today, although it was fantastic with gorgeous skies most of the day and temps around 80. Enjoyed the air show with a co-worker, Chris, and his 3yr old son, Adam. Probably my 10 th year in a row, although the show has been down-sized since the fatal jet crash on Father's Day 2000 that happened right before my very eyes. Again today, although a relatively minor incident, I couldnt believe my eyes as a private aircraft (not involved in the show) departed, got about 300 feet above the runway, and I saw a large plastic item coming flying off the aircraft---seems like co-pilot FORGOT to secure the canopy style door! Safe return to the airport to spend the weekend in Colorado as I am sure one has to be shipped to them! (Click the photos to enlarge, they are worth it.)

The F-16 fighter jet as it cruises just a few feet above the runway just before yanking on its stick and rocketing perpendicular to the runway straight up to flight leve 14,000 feet in a matter of seconds!

Snow-capped Rockies a perfect backdrop for the seldom seen B2 Stealth bomber--amazing aircraft that cruises at 50,000 feet and 600 mph!

Batman is in town!

Adam loves the firetruck, came home with a new fire hat to treasure.

My new, found best friend--what a chatter box. His favorite things at the air show were: his fire hat, the inflatable dragon and the oversized Air Force recruiting costume. (Next year, we hope to point out the helicopters ,jets and vintage aircraft :)