Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh My....

Where are these months going--oh yeah, February, short month. I love February cause the financial budget actually works well for 28-29 days. Don't know why God didn't make them all this short, probably didn't know what He was doing--yeah right. So another month gone by and time to check 2008 goal progress---really not for you to be bored with, but just to keep me motivated.

1) Change template on my Blog---Accomplished!

2) "Rubber" exercise goal of 1,000 miles--129 miles in January, 151 miles in February. When you have yummies popping out like these out of our stove both in the same day, Lord knows you have got to keep the aerobic activity full steam ahead. Forget losing weight, maintaining weight is so hard to do. I haven't stepped on the scale in a month, I think someone told me it broke or something like that. Sometimes don't you wish you were sugar intolerant-- exercising less sounds so appealing.So, my road map now has me just leaving Clayton, NM on my way to the Texas hill country by the end of the year!

3) Do something big for God--something I haven't done before and devoted to glorify. Marking this off as we are debt free. For Valentine's Day, Teri got a blank check to pay off her credit card balance--a bit over 4 digits. So, yes, we still have a mortgage, but I feel confident the Lord sees that as an obligation, not Biblical debt, simply due to the amount of equity that we have. Free at last, free of bondage, hallelujah!

4) Take a family airplane vacation. Pending, money for trip available, destination unknown. Explored this a bit in February--took a peek at Hilton Head, SC---$600 per night for a hotel--HOLY COW, I just wanted to rent a room, NOT BUY IT! You kidding me--and we weren't even going to play golf--just to hang out and tan on the beach. I can go to the 'fake and bake' tan shop here for $6 a visit.

5) Keep the Ebay biz going and shooting for 5 digit gross income. Monthly goal $833.00, January gross income:$1,282 February, $1198-even with taking Super Bowl Sunday off--accomplished!

6) Home improvements---master bath flooring and living room entry way--upgrade-We did agree in February that Pres GW's tax stimulus rebate will go towards getting this goal accomplished.Pending.

7) Be a good neighbor. For the Winter time at least, I have put this into play by snow shoveling our entire cul-de-sac sidewalk andshovel the driveways of my widow neighbor and the most elder couple at the end of the block. - Once, wasn't a very snowy month. Only one significant snow event in February and did do it then. A lil help from my neighbor with a gas powered blower was some nice help-accomplished!

8) Help support Cameron's flying efforts and goals--Accomplished-provided some fuel money for his Austin, TX New Year's trip. Our efforts in February were to meet with him to work on improving his budget so he would have more money to fly--he has done swell and showing some real discipline in this area!

9) Help support Austin's biz adventure with ideas, solutions, financing, etc. Accomplished- 'content editor' for Austin's video and some guidance with his next contest submission. Also, new effort in embryotic state-FLIGHTBULBS--remember the name! In February, we cheered Austin on as he has been swamped staying abreast of his application and consideration by Tech Crunch for his Blogonize website in an upcoming competition.

10)Buy Teri some tennis shoes -Accomplished in January.