Saturday, February 02, 2008

Resolution Progress Report

I might stay more inspired and accountable if I give periodic updates to my 2008 goals, so in a nutshell we will review...

1) Change template on my Blog---Accomplished!

2) "Rubber" exercise goal of 1,000 miles-- on my road to Austin, Texas, I logged 129 miles in January--goal was 83.3 mile---Accomplished! Arriving in Pueblo, Colorado..

3) Do something big for God--something I haven't done before and devoted to glorify--couple ideas, so pending!

4) Take a family airplane vacation. Pending, money for trip available, destination unknown.

5) Keep the Ebay biz going and shooting for 5 digit gross income. Monthly goal $833.00, January gross income:$1,282--accomplished!

6) Home improvements---master bath flooring and living room entry way--upgrade-Pending.

7) Be a good neighbor. For the Winter time at least, I have put this into play by snow shoveling our entire cul-de-sac sidewalk andshovel the driveways of my widow neighbor and the most elder couple at the end of the block. - Once, wasn't a very snowy month-accomplished!

8) Help support Cameron's flying efforts and goals--Accomplished-provided some fuel money for his Austin, TX New Year's trip.

9) Help support Austin's biz adventure with ideas, solutions, financing, etc. Accomplished- 'content editor' for Austin's video and some guidance with his next contest submission. Also, new effort in embryotic state-FLIGHTBULBS--rememeber the name!

10)Buy Teri some tennis shoes -Accomplished--see photo evidence!