Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Checking In...

Wow, almost the end of January. But, this month I can understand why time flew...

  • What was a 4 car family just 8 months ago, is a 1 car family this Tuesday morning. Ole reliable--the 1993 Chevrolet pickup with 142,000 miles rests by himself in the garage. Teri's VW Piece-of-Saat is back at my mechanics after VW refused to help, seems IF we would have been the original owner, they would have considered assisting us (I am sure that is with a wink-wink). So, we are trying to sell it on Craigslist "as is". If not sold in 7 days, we will fix it and then sell again. Austin's Honda meanwhile is at a different shop getting an idle problem addressed.
  • Cameron has been battling the 'fraud epidemic'--seems like someone got a hold of his info in Kissimee, FL. and went on a spree at Walmart and the movie theatres and sucked $300 from his account, also known for a teen as "life savings".
  • After 16 consecutive weeks of Ebay selling, we are taking a one week vacation as we did not want our items to end on Super Bowl Sunday. MUCH NEEDED break as business has been great!
  • After Austin's 90 seconds of fame with his recent contest win, his membership increased by over 10% in one week. He is now focused on this contest which is international in scope, but held in our own backyard in Boulder, CO. So, he is trying to mix in high school track training, gym-ratting, school work and his business. Of course, we have told him to focus on his gym workouts :).
  • As we have shared before, Cam in his jet refuel job, at times gets to meet some celebrities. Tom Brokaw and Gordon Lightfoot have stopped in before. On Friday, Ted Turner stopped in for a visit. Seems as if his keys got locked in a friend's car who was returning him back to the airport and Cam's company had to arrange for a locksmith. Cam's conversation with Ted--Ted: Is a locksmith on the way. Cam: Yes sir. So professional is our teen son!
  • "Save Blogonize" campaign, sort of like Save the Whales. Although the IRS does not see it as a "non-profit" company, we see it as "not making profit" company. Send check or money order to:. Seems like the lad will have to find a 'real job' in about 3 months if he cannot get it monetized as his savings are dwindling quick with his $200 per month server lease.
  • Tis tax season, so off to buy my software today. I am guessing this may be my last year of helping a dozen or so other families, mostly because I want them to find someone else in anticipation of us moving back to Taxes, I mean Texas...
  • Cam has returned back to college with a "GPA builder" set of courses: 1) Intro to Music 2) Intro to Spanish 3)Micro-economics 4) Business speech. I do recall the strategy myself which ferociously backfired when I was a Soph and got a "C" in Badminton---in south Texas, 'birdies' were meant to be killed by shotgun, not rackets!
  • Tis been 3 years since Shelly went for her vaccination shots. I remember after that ugly battle driving home staring at an 8 year old canine doing the math thinking "ahhh, she will be dead before her next shots are due"---W R O N G! So, on my notes to do is contact Petco and ask 1) Do you have a female vet 2) Do you have a muzzle I can borrow? 3) Will her foam come out of my clothes? 4) Do you know both human and canine CPR? 5) Can we avoid the rectal thermometer experience?
Til next time..