Thursday, April 03, 2008

Life's Most Embarrassing...

Don't you just love when you embarrass yourself? Neither do I....real story today....

I am training a new 911 hire at work and we share a headset system---she has a 'live' mic and I have a 'muted' mic so I can prompt her for the right line of questioning for 911 callers without the caller hearing me in the background. By depressing a button, I can become the 'live' mic so I can take over a call in the event of a dire emergency. All along, my trainee can hear my activity and how I am proceeding with the call for her own training benefit.

Well, it seems like I had to do that today and immediately after that emergency, I had the need to head to the men's restroom. Well, as I had completed aiming the stream toward the target, I noted my 'live' mic was still on. Nice, huh!

I returned back into the center not knowing of a nice way to say "Sorry, please forgive me for peeing in your ear"....

Yes, I know what you are thinking--"at least you weren't pooping"..

Life goes on....