Monday, July 14, 2008

Ebay Biz Report

One of our New Year's resolutions was to have Ebay gross annual sales of at least $10,000. Half way through the year, we should be at $5,000 (probably don't need a college degree to figure that one out), with an average monthly volume of $833. Here is where we stand:

January- $1297
February- $1238
March- $1513
April- $ 961
May- $1011
June- $ 513 (took one week off for Las Vegas trip)
TOTAL: $6533 !

Although we have been selling for 4 consecutive years, this is our first to try 'year round', which includes Summer sales. Now that is where the difficulty has been. While we have done OK at a 75% rate of selling all listed items (Ebay average around 40% for clothiers), it is no where near our 95% Fall and Winter rate. The enlightening strategy has been we are buying cold weather gear (jeans, athletic pants, ski apparel,etc) throughout the Summer at discounted prices. We literally have 2 shelves full of items in waiting to be launched in October. The other added benefit of buying ahead is you buy with an 'accumulation' mentality, not the 'urgent to sell' one, which often leads you to buying items that are not very fruitful.

Two more difficult months, then into our stretch run! And for you lurkers, we do send in our IRS quarterly estimates for tax purposes :).