Saturday, August 30, 2008
Da Gazelle
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Well, Denver will be in the worldwide spotlight as the Democratic National Convention comes to town. Working in law enforcement, it is a big deal. Our agency alone is loaning out 135 officers who will be assigned to the Pepsi Center working 12 hrs shifts through Thursday night. Personally, it is sad that we are spending $90 million dollars (40 mill to host it and 50 million dollar grant for security) for what amounts to a stuff-coat party. Maybe it is just me, but doesn't cancer research, to name just one, need a few more pennies for research? And yes, I would say the same about the R.N.C. that starts in Minneapolis after the D.N.C. closes its doors.
Regardless, Denver is hopping, including Rocky Mtn Metro Airport where I cycled out to see Cam, who turned 20 years old yesterday, working an 18 hour shift. As the photos verify, he does actually work. Teri drove out a bit later to get a glimpse.

A Gulfstream III dropping a load of passengers. Cam said it was some Senator's staff, but he could not recall who.
We are praying for an uneventful week!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Personal Record....

I weighed 221 lbs. in late 2003 when I began my marathon training and got down to 195 lbs by race day Valentines 2004. Actually, I got deathly ill with an untreated sinus infection so was down to 184 at my Dr.s visit in April. So, what began the demise? I think it was depression--the onset when I was told at the marathon that at my weight I qualified for the "Clydesdale" division, the highest category, in terms of race day weight. Well, why didn't they just put me in the "Runners Who Create Their Own Pot Holes" category. Instead of gel snacks, protein bars and shoe laces in my race day goodie bag, perhaps some inner thigh lubricant and my own personal CPR guide would have sufficed. Being called a Clydesdale has made it so tough to watch Super Bowls and all of those Budweiser commercials. Perhaps I just need to trade our lab mix in for a Dalmatian and I will be all set.
So, moving forward. Is there such thing as reverse-Bulimia or contra-Anorexia. You know--you look in the mirror and you are convinced you are NOT overweight. Instead of heading to the toilet to hurl, you head to the fridge to fry you up a burrito. I mean there is a diagnosis for everything else in this world, so I have to be on to something here.
What is the true gauge? Go try a BMI (body mass index) calculator like this one and see what your results are. Once again, I earn the Silver medal as I am in the Overweight category. A couple more bowls of ice cream and the Gold is mine as I would be Obese. At 6ft 2", my high normal weight should be around 195 lbs. Forget that. Holy cow (no pun intended), what would I weigh if I didn't work out?
So, the creative side of my brain has a solution. Using the same BMI calculator and plugging in 220 lbs, to be 'normal weight', I need to be 6ft 7" tall. I now have a goal to add 5 vertical inches by December 31st.
Off to Google to find me a plan....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Retirement looming...
With all of my recent weather related posts, I am starting to think retirement must be looming. After all, isn't The Weather Channel ones favorite channel when you are relegated to the Lazy Boy and the remote control?
What a past 24hrs...we have gone from the projected "3rd driest year" in Denver's weather history to "above annual rainfall" pace....soooo weird.....

Cam on 'break' from his refueler job at the airport as his dad has delivered his mail via the bike...
Friday, August 15, 2008
All else is quiet and well...looking forward to my 4 day weekend...and my favorite football game tomorrow nite--Donkeys vs. Da Boys!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Hot Dog
Sorry, slow newsday....
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
47 days!
....since the skies last parted over Arvada, CO!
.75 of an inch in 45 minutes--perfect downpour!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
- The record breaking "consecutive days above 90" ends today! It was trounced with 23 consecutive days versus the prior of 18 days, eclipsing a record set over 100 years ago. Unfortunately, moisture, or lack of, is still on pace for the driest year ever. June 20th, yes 6 weeks ago, was the last measurable rainfall we had in our subdivision.
- Austin treated himself to his own 17th birthday gift by buying a new (to him) I-phone. Now that my friends is some slick technology. I mentioned 17 was a 'meaningless' birthday year but Austin indicated he is now able to see Rated R movies. So, Cameron, as a big brother example, wants to take him to see a Rated R movie (things parents don't want to hear).
- We had lunch with Cameron and his girlfriend yesterday. They (things parents don't want to hear) moved in together along with two of Cameron's high school friends. The foursome are renting a home in Broomfield and have signed a one year lease. Crystal ball is forecasting some interesting stories. Next Monday all four sets of parents are invited for a BBQ--pretty much "Meet the Fockers II"..
- Been a couple months since Teri and I enjoyed coffee at Five Bucks, so we hung out about an hour and chatted about our lovely marriage-- conversation went about 59 minutes too long--just kidding. We actually discussed our two kids and our involvement in their future, needed the coffee to keep us awake.
- I accomplished a 1st on my bike today--after 2,500 miles of traversing the last few years, I was curious as to whether I could hit 40 mph on what is essentially is a mountain bike. Evidence of one of two things: 1) I have a degree from Pan American or 2) faith in God. I lived to type about it. Also evidence that 215 lbs. pointed downhill does create some energy.
- As you can see by the photos, our Fall Ebay inventory yearns for cooler weather. We are well supplied as we have continued shopping all Summer for our most profitable items.

- Off to enjoy the gorgeous weather, current noon time temperature for our Texas friends: 74!