Well, Denver will be in the worldwide spotlight as the Democratic National Convention comes to town. Working in law enforcement, it is a big deal. Our agency alone is loaning out 135 officers who will be assigned to the Pepsi Center working 12 hrs shifts through Thursday night. Personally, it is sad that we are spending $90 million dollars (40 mill to host it and 50 million dollar grant for security) for what amounts to a stuff-coat party. Maybe it is just me, but doesn't cancer research, to name just one, need a few more pennies for research? And yes, I would say the same about the R.N.C. that starts in Minneapolis after the D.N.C. closes its doors.
Regardless, Denver is hopping, including Rocky Mtn Metro Airport where I cycled out to see Cam, who turned 20 years old yesterday, working an 18 hour shift. As the photos verify, he does actually work. Teri drove out a bit later to get a glimpse.

A Gulfstream III dropping a load of passengers. Cam said it was some Senator's staff, but he could not recall who.
We are praying for an uneventful week!