Teri and I had our annual executive session at Starbucks to discuss our/my/her goals for 2007. We agreed to six for the year.
1) Acquire a car with an automatic transmission for Austin to drive. Whether we add to our car lot or just replace my 5 spd pickup with an automatic, he really prefers to develop his confidence with something that has only 2 pedals. He is still 7 months away from his 16th birthday, so we have plenty of time.
2) Find a church home. Holiday shopping now behind us, church shopping has begun. We have two in the immediate area to try out plus a third about 6 miles away, so that is the January schedule.
3) Sell the 1971 Jimmy. It simply is just time and although emotionally attached, it would have been nice to have that garage parking slot for my pickup during the last 2 blizzards.
4) Weigh the same on day 365 as I/we do on day 1, 2007. Having acquired the treadmill a few months ago (which has gotten great use), should help. But we must confess,this one gets harder each year you age.
5) Give our master bathroom a facelift. Who was the inventor of carpet in the bathroom after all, really a poor idea.
6) Acquire some investment property in the hill country of Texas, our final resting spot!
Cheers to a prosperous 2007 for all of you bloggers!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
....underway, we will keep you posted!
Two differences- for sure this one is much 'wetter' snow, so real back-breakers for shovelling and, most noteworthy, I have to go in and work this one! Without doubt, I will have a 911 story to share...
The last time Colorado got smacked with two big snowstorms within about a week, Harry Truman was president, the Cold War had just started, and "It's a Wonderful Life" was in theaters.
These two storms occurred within eight days of each other and we've only seen three other storms in the last 60 years that have come back-to-back in a span of eight or ten days. But fortunately, we were 'spared' by getting only 12 inches. Any other time, a foot of snow is significant.
Work was extremely quiet as most folks heeded the advice of the 1st storm to remain indoors. But the 'usuals' did call in. One citizen noticed on a local website denoting the busineses, schools, government offices, etc that were closed due to the storm and commented to a 911 calltaker "It said City of Lakewood is closed-- does that mean I can't leave my house". (Uhhh..with that kind of brilliance, we dont want you to).
And yet another called in 9 months pregnant and had gone into labor and did not think she could make it to the hospital herself due to the conditions. She indicated she could feel the baby's head wanting to come out.
Fire Dispatcher:"Do you actually see the baby's head?"
Caller:"No mam, I still have my pants on"
Fire Dispatcher:"Is the baby's dad with you to assist in removing your pants?"
Caller:"No, he is not here, but I can get my boyfriend to help."
Yup, another child entering the world to fight an uphill battle day one...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Let’s move into the 21st century… and instead of mailing our Christmas letter… put it on our blogs! Most of you stay up-to-date with our lives via our blogs anyway so I don’t know that we have much news for you. Anyway… here’s the recap…
2006 has been a year of anticipation, triumphs, adventures, and getting back to the simple life. We celebrated our 2nd year in our “new” home and still enjoy this blessing that God has given us. As of 2 days ago, we experienced our first blizzard in this home and neighborhood and were housebound for 2 days! It is large enough for each of us to have our own space, but warm and comfortable enough for us to be “family” too!
Austin is 15 and a sophomore at Ralston Valley High School (whose claim to fame is the new band, The Fray). He joined the Boys Cross Country team this past fall and had a great time building relationships there as well as challenging himself to run faster and faster. He also took Driver’s Ed but has not had much of an opportunity to practice what he learned as 3 out of 4 of our vehicles are standard transmissions… He’s patiently waiting for the clutch/gas thing to click! He’s a soft-hearted kid who has typical teenage tendencies… sleeping away the morning, staying up late at night and communicating via texting and im to all of his friends!
Cameron is our young adult now… 18 years old and contemplating moving in with a friend in his apartment. He graduated from high school this past May… found his “dream” job (as far as 18 years of dreaming can go) working at his flight school as a dispatch manager. He’s completed his first semester of college at Metro State College in Denver with all A’s and one B. He stays busy between his two jobs (at his flight school and the church he’s worked for a couple of years), his girlfriend, Nicole, his buddies, his flying, his school and studies, hunting, 4-wheeling, and anything else that might interest him at the moment. This is the kid who can’t sit still and our housebound blizzard days had him chomping at the bit! He’s coming close to completing his instrument rating (where he can fly in the clouds).
“Our third child”, Brynn, is now 19 months old, and keeps her Aunt Sissy busy and laughing every moment of the day! Austin loves finally being a “big brother” figure in someone’s life and is teaching her how to say all kinds of words! Her first two-syllable word was Au-tin… She loves helping… and is quite the domestic help… she helps unload the dishwasher and load it… frequently rearranges the dishcloth drawer and cereal cabinet, vacuums ferociously with her popper, sweeps the floor with a broom three times her size, carries the mail box key ever so carefully while we walk to get the mail, and helps put clothes in the dryer, one at a time. She loves to read books, especially the “I Spy” books with bugs being her favorite things to find (in books and outside)! She has the cutest smile and most beautiful dark eyes and is a joy to have in our home 5 days a week!
Shelly, our canine daughter, arrived 11 years ago today into our household, and she doesnt look nor act more than 11 months old!
David is anxiously, but patiently, waiting for his time to end at his job as a police dispatcher. He’s been there 18 years with 2.5 more years on the horizon. He’s still working our Ebay business for extra money that will now be going towards our “rewirement” (more on this in a bit). He’s become quite the expert in thrift shopping for jeans and athletic and ski wear. He still loves to eat so therefore he still runs! We purchased a “new-to-us” treadmill a couple of months back for days like the past few (blizzard) so he can keep eating what he wants. He’s still slim and trim with that beautiful head of curly salt and pepper hair! Truly my knight in shining armor!
I am enjoying finally being in my dream role and one that God completely ordained for me and my family… a stay-at-home wife, mom and auntie! While Brynn keeps me busy during the weekdays, I enjoy my domestic role immensely. I’ve met some kindred spirits online and am a part of a very active group of Christian ladies who share my interests, hopes and desires. I am so thankful that God has led me to these ladies (Heather, Kristen, Annie, Mary, Mary J, Jenn, Jen, Steph, Jamie, Melissa and Raquel)… love you girls!
We still have not found a church that we can call home, but then we haven’t look really hard either. We’ve got the mindset that we are only here in Colorado for a few more short years, it makes it hard to establish roots only to have them pulled up again. Austin is still attending our old church and is comfortable there. Cameron struggles like all college students in where to worship and build relationships. David and I have continued to attend our old church off and on but it’s just that… attendance. So while we have visited one other church, we aren’t gung ho about “starting over” in establishing relationships. I know, something we need to pray about and are.
In April, my Grandma Harpster passed away and we flew to Austin with Brynn to then drive to attend her funeral in the Rio Grande Valley. I got a blast from the past as I reconnected with some high school friends and friends of my parents. My grandma was such a significant part of my entire childhood and I have such special memories of her… in my heart and mind and in my home. I treasure quilts and dishtowels she’s made for us, recipes that take me back to her home on Delta Lake and her love for all people… everyone loved Elsie Mae.
My parents blessed us by coming to Colorado several times this year! They even supplied the authentic Texas fajitas for Cameron's graduation party. My mom filled in for me in keeping Brynn while we were on our summer vacation and a couple of weeks ago when David and I went on our anniversary trip. Mom and Dad both made the trip two more times... once to celebrate Cameron's graduation and Brynns first birthday and another time this past fall.
This year our summer vacation took us to very hot Playa Del Carmen, Mexico at the end of July… beautiful resort, kind people, crystal clear blue water… but very hot! We all enjoyed lounging about the beach and pool and then stuffing ourselves at the buffet each evening!David and I celebrated our 20th Anniversary by flying to Jamaica (our first stamp in our passports!). This was our first major trip away from our kids and their first time staying at home alone! What a difference a season makes as far as temperatures in the Caribbean! Once again, beautiful blue waters, perfect 80 degree temperatures and a “no problem” type of attitude allowed us to relax and enjoy each other with no responsibilities!
As we look forward to 2007, we have lots to “look forward” to. Our Ebay business is allowing us to prepare our way to move back to Texas. We are looking for property (at least 1 acre) to purchase this next year in anticipation of our “rewirement” years! We will take a trip to the Hill Country hopefully in the Spring to start this process! We’ve been looking and dreaming of this for several years now and are ready to take the plunge. Austin has 2.5 more years before he graduates high school and we plan to move shortly after that. He’s even casually mentioned going to University of Texas (Go Horns!). And he’s our only native Coloradoan! This Texas thing goes deep =). Dan and Kelli have mentioned moving back too which would make it all the easier for us to have Brynn continue to be close by!
I am thankful to God for His handprint in everything that happens in my life. I am thankful that He is in control and that He uses everything, good and bad, for my best interests. I’ve grown to love Him more and trust Him more. He’s my daily strength and my purpose for everything I do. He’s touched everything that has happened to me and my family this past year. Everything goes by Him first and He’s using every little detail to fulfill His purpose for my life. I’m so grateful for His love, tender mercies, grace, forgiveness, strength, omnipotence, and for just being God.It is my prayer that this season and the upcoming year will bring you closer to Him. Allow yourself to sit quietly and know that He is God. He is everything! Peace is not a season… it’s a way of life. May Jesus Christ bring you peace this season and in the upcoming year.
Blessings, T
Thursday, December 21, 2006
SNOW TOTALS updated 2:00 p.m. These are not official NWS totals

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Simply amazing is the only way to describe our Holiday Blizzard of 2006. It appears from our 1st 10 hrs into this storm as it will be the worst we have ever experienced since arriving in 1988. I left my work and arrived home safely and am now on a 7 day vacation period, what timing! Absolutely whiteout conditions, even in the metro area, with visibility during broad daylight averaging about 250 feet! Our 20th wedding anniversary today will be easily remembered.
How bad is it:
Interstates into/out of Denver-Closed
Denver Intl Airport- Closed
USPS carrier delivery- Closed
The actual post office- Closed
Public Bus Service- Closed
ALL schools- Closed
Red Cross Shelters- Open
The latest update has our hometown of Arvada leading the way with snow accumulations with ONE FOOT already being dumped and simply no let up in sight. Sustained winds are near 20-25mph.
The one thing guaranteed: A WHITE CHRISTMAS!
Praising the Lord for a warm house, all of my family home and 4x4s....
Oh so misssing Jamaica

Driveway looking only four houses down to end of cul de sac, broad daylight

"Dad, I am a female dog peeing like a male one-let's move to Texas, I dont mind dealing with the fleas, I promise".
More photos to come.......
Monday, December 18, 2006
My standard disclaimer--I cant make this stuff up...
Over the weekend, I took a call first thing one morning from an apartment manager indicating a male had just sprinted over to the office and was asked to call 911 and to get an ambulance over to his apartment. Before the manager could discern what was wrong, the male was running back to his residence.
Well, it seems his 29 year old wife had become unresponsive so he started CPR. She was transported to the hospital where she died 2 hours later.
Upon interviewing the husband, he claimed she had done methampethamines (just a little bit), but was unaware of any drug habit. He did elaborate they had lived on the streets for 8 years, neither worked, and recently became housed in the apartment, no doubt with government assistance. Well, the truth eventually surfaced. She was a Probation client with a possession of controlled substance conviction. She had two active felony warrants for failing to show on drug charges.
When asked to recount the events from the night prior, he indicated his wife and himself were watching TV until midnite. At 7am, he was then awakened by their pet squirrel who was frolicking in his hair. It was at that time he discovered his wife had just stopped breathing as she was drawing her bath.
So, once again we have a couple of life lessons. First, we can afford the drugs, but we cant afford the $15.00 basic one line phone service, which no doubt cost her her life as hubby had to run to the office losing precious minutes. Second, if you cant afford an alarm clock due to your drug abuse, just pounce on the backyard squirrel and bring him into the home.
From the front row of the circus...
Friday, December 08, 2006
Heaven on Earth!
WOW, what a wonderful 20th anniversary celebration! The trip was darn near flawless and the 85 degree days in Jamaica so welcome, especially after sitting in a plane in Denver being de-iced for 30 minutes on our way out. The RIU Ochos Rios hotel is Jamaica's newest and largest resort. Of the 900 rooms, I would guess it was maybe 30% occupied. Arriving there the 1st week of December was great as it was not crowded and hardly any kids due to school still being in session.
Our boys maintained order while we were gone doing an excellet job. Our simple goal was to return knowing there was no need to file an insurance claim of any type and that was accomplished. Did we miss them---absolutely! Did we feel guilty-absolutely not!
The photos say more than words can, so enjoy! It looks like the blog site limits photo space, so we have a second posting titled Heaven on Earth (Cont'd).

Breezy, as you can tell by Teri's hair...
Heaven On Earth (cont'd)

Twenty years of marriage and she still wont listen to me. I told her when we got there "Teri, dont forget your sunscreen and watch your calorie intake at the all-you-can-eat buffets"..Oh well, maybe on our 40th anniversary trip she will listen..
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Five more days until my youthful bride and I are off to Jamaica! We will depart early Saturday morning where temps will be hovering around 15 degrees and will arrive late afternoon at the Montego Bay airport to what we hope will be 85 degree temperatures---ahhhhhh.
We will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary (thank you Ebay business) at the Riu Ochos Rios hotel, a brand new 850 unit all inclusive resort. We are merely going to inspect it to see if it is worthy of bringing our children to it next Summer :)
The boys will be entrusted to care for themselves. The freezer will have adequate amount of frozen pizzas.
Off to buy suntan lotion.....and perhaps sunrise lotion....
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Seventeen plus years in a 911 center and there is always more evidence that the human brain cells have dwindled in size....true story today while working overtime in broad daylight on a Sunday...
911 Operator (me:): Lakweood Police 911, what's your emergency?
Caller (5o yr old male): I dont believe what I am seeing!
911: Sir, what's going on?
Caller: I am at the intersection of Ohio and Alameda and there is a black bear right in front of me.
911:Actually sir, in that part of Lakewood, we see one or two a year. Is the bear acting aggressive?
Caller: No, he is just meandering toward a field, but I am concerned as it is near a school. (My first hint, public schools arent open in Lakewood on Sundays :).
911: Okay sir, can you just remain a safe distance away. Are you on foot or in a car?
Caller:Actually I saw it while driving and decided to get out of my car and walked toward the general vicinity. (Second clue, not recommended to exit car where bears abound :).
911: Okay, I will have Animal Control swing by and you can point it out to them. Just keep back, watch for them and their white van and they should be there shortly.
Caller: Okay, I will,thanks for your help.
Animal Control Officer: Citizen mistook bear for loose black schnauzer named "Crash".
Loving my seat in life--FRONT ROW OF THE CIRCUS!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The football team where Austin attends high school (4A) got one step closer to the State Championship as they beat #1 ranked Monarch High School 17-0 on Friday evening. The #9 ranked Mustangs were all knotted up 0-0 after 3 quarters of play, but fortunes turned their way in the 4th quarter to take the victory. Next up, the Wheat Ridge Farmers. Yes, just by their team name you know they have been around awhile as they are a Denver suburb school--officially, over 100 years in existence!
The Wheat Ridge game will be the State 4A semi-final game and is a rematch of these two teams from a game that took place about a month ago! In that game, with the ball on the 10 yard line and 6 seconds left and RVHS trailing 7-0, the Mustang QB lofted a pass into the corner of the end zone for a 'miracle catch'. But in one of the most brazen coaching moves I have ever seen at any level, RV's coach decided NOT to tie the game and opted to try the 2 point converstion. A simple handoff to their running back seemed to be stopped at the 1yd line, but the entire Offensive line got behind their back and 'willed' him into the end zone--GAME OVER--8-7 winners!
RVHS has lost only one game and that was to last year's State championship team Thunder Ridge. And you ask who did Thunder Ridge beat last year at State--you guessed it, RVHS! They too are one of 4 teams left in the State. Headed for a rematch............we can only hope!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
919 days.....1284 days.......until we stick the HOME FOR SALE sign in the front yard....919 represents when Austin graduates high school and 1284 Cameron graduating from college...we have yet to decide which one it will be, but do know both seem like such a long time away.
Teri and I can't wait to return to the simple life of our Texas motherland. We agree we have no regret living the Colorado lifestyle the past 18 years, but it is one we dont want to continue when we become empty nesters. As funny as it may sound, it seems as our lonliness for Texas really surfaces annually when Fall is in the Texas air, the County Music Awards have just been televised and whitetail deer hunting is just getting underway. Well, at least for me.
Personally, what I miss and what I want most, in no particular order...
* Real family, real friends
* Whataburger
* Fall drizzly days
* 65MPH speed limit on the back roads
* A Republican governor
* Migas on the breakfast menu
* A back porch where I can see the deer feeder
* A friendly hand wave on the Farm to Market road
* An easy drive to the Fredericksburg cemetery
* A guaranteed Longhorn broadcast on Saturday
* REAL fajitas on the grill
* Multiple choices for Country Music on the radio dial
* School closings due to icy overpasses, not shootings
* Opening day of Whitewing season
* Friday night football
* Breakfast tacos with REAL tortillas
* Affordable auto labor
* The Death Penalty
* Wearing a straw cowboy hat and fitting in
* 2 months to hunt deer
* The Texaco and Dairy Queen only a rock throw away
* Two pickups in the driveway
* A small church
* CMT as a cable channel option
* Drivers who yield by pulling over on the shoulder
* A front porch
* Simple courtesy
* The 'Boys on the tube Sunday afternoon
* Ya'll
It's a bit curious, our best Colorado friends hail from Texas. Our other best friends for years that we met in Colorado now live in Texas. My best friend work peer went to Jr High in Texas. Our Senior Pastor who just retired is returning to Texas. There is something to be said about the Lone Star state. Only a current or former Texan would understand. Or perhaps more simply, once a Texan, always a Texan.
Anxiously waiting to sign the one-way U-haul rental agreement......
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Well, we have returned. What a quick turnaround trip, but a great father-oldest son experience. No success. As a matter of a fact, our friends have been hunting this area for 8 years and had never seen it this slow. In an area that is heavily hunted and an area where a gunshot can be heard for 5 miles, not a peep this morning. Our first day out, we departed 545am and walked back into camp 5pm. Of that timeframe, we probably hoofed half the time. Back out again this morning from 6am-10am, not a hint of an animal. Although there was an ATV on site, our trail was a mere hiking route about 2 foot wide and plenty of fallen timber, so no way you could get a snow vehicle of any kind on the path.
On our drive back, Cam reflected on our Texas hunting trips. He did confess that harvesting an animal in our Colorado mountains is something you can boast as 'true hunting'. In terms of sheer beauty, nothing compares to the glistening snow and evergreens at 9500 feet. Our friends here treated us as family. BUT, Texas hunting was full of activity, not near the work (not that work is a bad thing) and his Aunty Sissy and Uncle Jon's meals are second to none. We talked alot about the differences and he had a great attitude about trying Colorado again and came out of their really respecting the efforts most hunters have to exert to have success. On the other hand, his dad cant get back to Texas quick enough once and for all-- not just for hunting either. Enjoy the photos....

Over 2hrs more and another 800 feet, we reached the highest ridge in our hunting area. Without question at this point, the marathon I ran 2 years ago was easier than this as I was packing about 30 lbs of equipment on my back, and, in some points, 16" of untraveled snow, and temps around 20 or so..
What I want to see on my next deer hunting trip in the Rockies...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Cam and I are headed up to 10,000 feet--this time by truck, not airplane. A couple of friends from the church are already up by Steamboat Springs and we will join the crew late tomorrow afternoon and hunt all day Saturday and Sunday. Cam will be the hunter, I will be the packer, guide, tracker (hopefully) and will let him take any shot. He has both a bull elk license and a mule deer doe one. No sense me spending money on license as we have no desire nor room to bring back 2 animals. Foreceast looks decent--there has been a ton of snow, but we are in a drying/warming period right now with temps easily remaining above zero at day break.
We had an opportunity to harvest our first wildlife last nite at 9pm as a trophy raccoon decided to walk up on our deck and stick her nose against our sliding door. Our 10 yr old hound dog was headed toward cardiac arrest when she was told to go look ou the door as she was not anticipating a trespasser with a mask on.
Tally Ho!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and wiith the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks,"Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"
Monday, October 23, 2006
As will be needed before 'peeving', I will have to prequalify my comments to destroy any preconceived prejudices the reader may have. I am fond of women, specifically, ONE, my wife! But, it goes beyond that. I have fantastic female friends. My twin sister is an awesome Texas lady. My mom, God rest her soul, was splendid. My mother-in-law is stellar. My sister-in-law equally as nice. My niece is a cutey patooty. So, I am not anti-woman, but I am anti-Left Lane Louann!
For background, I have been accident free for 25 years and ticketless for 18 years. I drive 13 miles to work one way 4 times a week. Most of my path is divided road, 2 lanes each direction with an average speed limit in the 40 mph range. I am not a road rager, but I am a road observer. My driving peeve, one of several, but by far the one that grinds my axe, LEFT LANE LOUANNS!
You creep out from a side street or slowly merge from the entrance ramp and my blood pressure soars as I know your destination--the LEFT LANE. Your interpretation of HOV -High Ovarian Vehicles! I can spot you a mile away--yes, you, the female gender camped out in the left lane as if you were browsing the cosmetic section at Macy's, oblivious to any surroundings.
In Texas, you are known as a homesteader, your small plot of asphalt that you claim as your own. The rear view mirror is their merely for personal inspection and represents no value to your outside vehicular world. You have perfected 'knee-wheel' driving as a cell phone graces one hand and often a tobacco tube in the other. My greatest fear as I pass you on your right is seeing that you have a manual transmission--what appendage controls that lever? You are a rolling roadblock for other drivers who may have a destination and a deadline to meet. Your consumption to your internal auto enviroment precludes any possibility for discovering there are road signs prohibiting your behavior as several State legislatures have substantiated my claim and declared you to be an aggravating nuisance and authored a statute against your road antics.
You ask about Left lane Lous, there are a few..but left lane Louann's line the roadscape. All I want is a lane that says "Middle Age Men Lane". Problem solved. Please, I love you as a gender, but it is time to scoot over...God made you Left-Brained, Not Left Laned!