Well, not really, but sort of, as we approach our 21st anniversary. We thought we would do a mountain getaway as last year at this time we were off to Jamaica. We are confused as we can't decide if we want to be sand crabs or mountain goats. Quick trip, one-niter, good time. Our destination was the Romantic Cottage at Annie's Mountain Retreat in Estes Park, CO. It is the "Fredericks burg, Tx. of Colorado" and is located about 35 miles north of Boulder and sits at about 8,000 feet elevation.
10 miles east of Boulder (or 20 miles from my passenger becoming nauseated)

Front row parking at the Cottage...

Teri strips me of my clothes upon entering (yes, my blogging job is to embarrass my youngsters..

Teri working on the boys Christmas gifts. As you know, 'something knitted' is always high on their wish lists...

24 degrees outside, 104 degrees inside!

The biggest bummer--stiff winds, as evidenced by the flags..

The view of the mountain side from our deck..yes I confess I fantasized about resting my gun barrel right there as a trophy walked out of the brush!

Two Texans eating BBQ in Colorado..check out Teri's chicken fried steak--she consumed it like she was heading off to hibernate....
Heading back out the canyon this a.m.......