Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tuesdays with Cameron..

..the sequel to Tuesdays with Morrie...

I have set time off on Tuesdays as I reported last week to spend time with Cameron, as this is his only day off during any given week. This morning, we headed off to Gander Mountain, a sportsman's paradise, for any outdoor enthusiasts with every gadget imaginable for sale. We stared at shotguns for awhile as the 12 gauge that I inherited and then gifted to him is now a wall ornament, soon to hanging on a new gun rack, as it has been rendered inoperable. After browsing, we decided on investing in some clay pigeons and a skeet tosser . We loaded up on some 20 gauge shells and headed up a canyon about 40 minutes northwest of our house.

We had 50 rounds to go through. But with now the 20 gauge having its moments, it took us quite awhile to go through them. Now you think that spending a day with your dad would be priceless, but probably not. Maybe out shooting your dad (which he did) would be bragging rights and would make it a good day, but not even that was a highlight. The most "sick" moment (teen term for awesome) was when another shooting range visitor sporting a new tactical shotgun offered Cam a chance to squeeze a few rounds, to which we both did. Lo and behold, the next offer the guy brings out of his vehicle was an AK 47 . Woah, what a blast (no pun intended) to fire off these bad boys. When we asked what motivated his purchase, the 28 year old gnawing on his cigarette responded "to protect my house". Humm, must be quite a drug stash he has :) .

So, nonetheless, we are both now certified US white terrorists.

Til next time...