Thursday, December 06, 2007


I had a date with this hot, youthful chick Thursday. She got to see the real me as I picked her up in my cowboy limo and had my Wranglers strapped on. Off we went. This 'looker' had decided on the safe date approach--lunch and a movie at a major local mall. She probably felt the daylight and numerous witnesses this time of the year at the retail center would be her safest option. So, I sense a bit of conservatism about her.

We first head over to the California Pizza Kitchen where she announces major news--she has a coupon--a free appetizer in hand! Yes, a girl chasing my heart. I am really impressed by her financial strategy of maximizing value as she requests the most expensive 'free' item, some yummy-licious crab cakes. The attraction is in full bloom.

Next, the full course decision. She wants to share a pizza. Sharing is nice on a date as it shows she is interested in commonality and frugality, both intriguing qualities. The girl desires something remotely healthy, a California Club pizza- a mixture of chicken, shredded lettuce, avocado and bacon (the nasty side of her). While we await our request, we engage in a very interesting conversation about the Christians versus Amish faiths. I praise the Lord when I am convinced she does not want to switch to the horse and buggy doctrine, all be it they do have the simple life she is looking for. The pizza is consumed without any embarrassment and the date continues.

Enroute to the theater, she expresses a desire to partake in her favorite beverage at Fivebucks--check out her massive drink--you guessed it, she asked the waitress for "Texas" size. Yes, a latte' for my hotte' and all is right in the world!

We arrive to catch Dan in Real Life. An auditorium that seats 250 will have just 4 viewers for this matinee. We are chewed out by the animated Panda bear to turn off our cell phones and the movie begins. It is quite enjoyable but not sure about the vibes now with this woman. She doesn't grab my hand, lean my way, stare wildly into my eyes--all those things I so desperately long for. But, 20 minutes into the show, she shows me her most deviant side--she is texting on her cell phone--yes, I have landed a wild one---a rule breaker! The chick is not a conformist, I might be falling in love. The movie, one we would recommend, comes to a somewhat predictable end but is enjoyed by both, definitely one worth renting when it is released.

Now, the nerve wracking part--the drive to her home. We discuss the movie trailer for Bucket List which will be released soon and it looks great. The central theme is to write down all of the things in life you want to do before you kick the bucket. My female trophy says she wants to learn to horseback ride--yeah, you got it--she has fallen for my Wranglers and Chevy truck. There is a cowgirl amidst us!

We get about a mile from her concrete ranch and my underarms become clammy. What will happen when my limo arrives--I dread the handshake or the kiss on the cheek. I am optimistic about a lip lock or pat on my Wranglers, at the very least. I am astonished as she opens the door and invites me stay the night to stay for 21 stay forever.
