Teri and I had a nice , quiet afternoon hike above Boulder at this trail. The weather I thought would be cooler at 9000 feet, but still fairly warm, muggy and no breeze-- all a bit unusual for mid-June. We hope to do this kind of thing more often this summer.
At the parking area, lo and behold, dad talking on his cell phone to his 19 yr old pilot son who flew to Moab, but then had no transportation back and forth to the camping areas. At the time of this photo, he was at the Grand Co. Utah Sheriffs Dept in Moab hoping for a ride (without handcuffs) back to the airport 17 miles away. He was declined, so him and his friend split taxi fare of $50 to get there.

Husband walking ahead of wifey to eradicate the dragons, dinosaurs and bears....