Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Went to the vet today to get the paws checked out. Now what is that LAST thing you want to see when the Dr. walks into the exam room----uhhhhh, that would be the Dr. is wearing a cast! I thought for a moment it was a practical joke, but she had just had surgery from a tennis injury. Anyway, praise God, xrays revealed nothing broken in either hand--just a right hand wrist sprain and a strained right tendon. So, got me set up in a splint for 2-4 weeks which INSTANTANEOUSLY helped as it provided immediate support! Off to work tomorrow, still driving with my left hand and then shifting as well with the lefty--glad my wheels are well aligned. Hope to be eating right-handed again by the end of the week. In the mean time, Austin enjoying another lefty in the house...