Saturday, June 07, 2008

Strawberry Farm...

Well, I guess Lance Armstrong can be blamed for my injuries as I was inspired to ride when I got back from Vegas. Actually, I just got my ride out of the cycle shop getting some brake work done--well, the 'breaks' work--as in my right arm this a.m. feels broken! This is the result of my knee hitting the concrete sidewalk after going about 15mph.

I was cycling near at a park when 2 kids, about 6 and 9, yelled "hello sir". With their being a neighborhood garage sale going on, I thought they were just marketing, so I ignored them. I got a bit closer, and once again they piped up, so once again I ignored them thinking maybe they had a lemonade stand going on. Well, after I passed them, they shouted at me again, so I looked back (thinking maybe I am nude and they want to tell me or maybe a rattlesnake has crawled up back tire, etc) and that distraction had my bike go off the sidewalk. When I tried to recover, the front tire got sideways on my and 215 pounds of humanity went over the front handlebars while my leg got trapped underneath my bike. So, my reaction was to extend my hands out and try to break my fall--not a good idea looking back.

Oh, and what did the kids want--they were lost and needed directions to the library. I almost told them "I will tell you where the library is if you will tell me how to get to the ER". But the 10 yr old girl was truly apologetic, as well as grossed out when she saw my knee. They did offer to pick up my broken cycling mirror, my sunglasses and my radio, all laying in the park.

To make matters worse, I tweaked my back big time in Vegas and now with this ordeal, I did a Real Age test---I aged out to be Methuselah--969 years old! My kind wife has been nursing me back to health. Although I am hoping not, I suspect an xray of my right arm may be in order. My biggest concern-- don't think I can wipe the hiney, so I am going to have to pull the prenuptials-- I do believe I had the 'for better or worse' clause-- this will be a true test of our marriage.

Til next time...