The household queen continues to be on the mend, almost all day without any pain meds! Hopefully, she is saving a few for my insomnia difficulties. I am also letting her heal emotional issues she has suffered from my blogging, so we will mostly leave her alone today.
I went into work an 8 hour overtime shift today. It is really hard to get material from people missing their uterus, but we in the 911 biz are never short of fodder. It is never a question of having enough to blog about, just a question of how much I want to edit out. So, we will just highlight a few:
Caller #1: "Yes, I think I need paramedics. I awoke this morning and I fell overnight in the kitchen. And now I just noticed my 90 year old mother has fallen in the living room, so we both need help getting up".
Caller #2:" Hello, I am at the Belmar shopping center and I was walking out to my car and noticed I had a shoe lace untied. I sat down on a bench to tie my shoe and laid my car keys next to me. As I was tying my shoe, I looked over and a squirrel grabbed my keys and he is now way up in the tree just holding my keys and staring down at me".
Caller #3: "Yes, my neighbor just came and knocked on my door and said he was fighting with his roommate. He then ran right back to his address where the fight was taking place at".
Caller #4: "Hi, my neighbor just got released from the hospital a couple days ago and they gave him some extended length Q-tips so he could apply some medication in his nasal cavity. Well, he ran out of them last night so I tried to improvise. I got a regular length Q-tip and stuck a toothpick into the bottom end of the Q-tip. He inserted the Q-tip up in his nose and the toothpick separated, so he now has the Q-tip stuck up in his nose and cannot reach in to pull it out".
Tonight's Offering.....

The recipe--5 tbsp of Crisco for 12 biscuits--clearly, recipe was pre-heart disease days....and did you note, "Bake at 425" BUT NO TIME FRAME. Only real men can handle instructions such as these....